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Ways to give.

There are many ways to contribute to the Navy Marine Coast Guard Residence Foundation and help us make a difference at Vinson Hall Retirement Community. Some of the options include becoming a member, giving a gift of appreciated stock or making a tax-deductible distribution from an IRA. In addition, naming NMCGRF as a beneficiary in your Estate Planning is a powerful way to make a lasting contribution to VHRC.

Learn more about these options below. If you have questions regarding these ways to contribute, please contact us here.

Annual membership.

Our Annual Membership gifts are at the heart of our philanthropic work and enable us to do all we do to support the residents and staff at Vinson Hall Retirement Community. You can become a supporter of NMCGRF and help us achieve our vision to create and deliver innovative solutions so those around us can live life “their way.” Become a 2023 Member here. To make a donation or learn more, please contact Michelle Crone, Senior Director of Philanthropy and Engagement,  at 703-538-3068 or

Below are the levels of membership:

Associate:  $100-$149

Friend: $150-$249

One Star: $250-499

Two Star: $500-999

Three Star: $1,000-$2,499

Four Star:  $2,500-4,999

Five Star:  $5,000 and higher

  • Associate:  $100-$149

    Friend: $150-$249

    One Star: $250-499

    Two Star: $500-999

    Three Star: $1,000-$2,499

    Four Star:  $2,500-4,999

    Five Star:  $5,000 and higher

  • Friend: $150-$249

    Benefits: Listed on Foundation website and all the benefits offered at the Associate level

  • One Star: $250-$499

    Benefits: Invitation to annual Star event, your name on annual Partnership Wall, and all the benefits offered at the Friend level

  • Two Star: $500-$999

    Benefits: Membership lapel pin, and all the benefits offered at the One Star level

  • Three Star: $1,000-$2,499

    Benefits: Name in a thank you ad in an Armed Forces magazine and all the benefits at the Two Star level

  • Four Star: $2,500-$4,999

    Benefits: Lunch with Executive Leadership and Board Member and your name on plaque and all the benefits of the Three Star level

  • Five Star: $5,000 and higher

    Benefits: Exclusive evening reception and all the benefits of the Four Star level

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Estate Planning: The Legacy Society

The impact of a planned gift is life changing. We are exceedingly grateful to donors who provide for the residents and staff at VHRC by naming NMCGRF in their estate plans. They make a commitment to support friends and neighbors they may never have met, and their generosity ensures that future generations will continue to live with dignity, security and friendship at Vinson Hall Retirement Community.

Our Legacy Society was first established in 1996 with 33 individuals. By 2008, this group of individuals that had included NMCGRF in their estate plans had grown to 51 donors, and included Vera G. Williams, who made a $1 million bequest to the foundation in honor of her late husband, Captain Glendon Dean Williams. In 2021, a $1.1 million endowment from Commander Edwin Malloy, Jr. was established to benefit VHRC. These and many other generous planned gifts ensure that no resident will ever have to leave their home due to lack of funds.

We invite you to join our Legacy Society by designating NMCGRF as a beneficiary in your estate plans. Through the support of planned gifts, there are no limits, just endless opportunities. To make a donation or learn more, please contact Michelle Crone, Senior Director of Philanthropy and Engagement, at
703-538-3068 or